
star My skills

My work is driven by a love for learning and a commitment to writing clean, maintainable code. Whether it’s building dynamic front-end interfaces or designing complex back-end architectures, I strive to deliver exceptional results that elevate user experiences and meet the highest standards of quality.


Infrastructure that powers the functionality of websites and applications


Strong command over PHP for server-side scripting, developing dynamic and interactive web applications.

Laravel Framework

Extensive experience with Laravel, leveraging its elegant syntax and robust features for building scalable web applications.


Proficient in SQL for database querying, data manipulation, and ensuring efficient database interactions.


Art and science of crafting the user interface and experience of websites and applications


Expert in modern web standards, semantic HTML, and advanced CSS techniques including Flexbox and Grid Layouts.


Skilled in using Tailwind CSS for utility-first styling, creating responsive and customizable designs efficiently.


Experienced in building responsive, mobile-first projects with Bootstrap's extensive prebuilt components and utilities.


Capable of simplifying JavaScript tasks with jQuery for DOM manipulation, event handling, and AJAX interactions.

Vanilla JavaScript

Proficient in core JavaScript concepts, DOM manipulation, and event handling to create dynamic web applications.


Adept at using Alpine.js to enhance HTML with declarative behaviors, enabling interactive web interfaces without complex JavaScript.

Livewire & Volt

Proficient in Livewire for building modern, dynamic interfaces using Laravel and Volt for real-time updates.


Familiar with Vue.js framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications with a component-based architecture.


Basic knowledge of Three.js for creating 3D graphics and animations in the web using WebGL.

Server management

Administration and maintenance of servers.


Proficient in managing Linux servers, including installation, configuration, and maintenance of server environments.

Apache configuration

Experienced in configuring Apache web servers for optimal performance, security, and hosting web applications.


Proficient in configuring and managing Nginx for high-performance web server and reverse proxy server tasks.

Python Scripting

Basic knowledge of Python scripting for automating server tasks, data processing, and simple application development.

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